February 23, 2012

Globe Subscribers start Redeeming your Points to 4438

If you are a Globe Subscriber, I anticipate that you had received Globe Advisory text message last March 30, 2012. The significant message implied that the Reward Points accumulated from the previous year, must be redeemed any items promo of Globe not later than the said date this year. If you exceed from the given date, all the points you earned will be forfeited and it turns back to zero. The only Globe Rewards Points will be left  is your earned points for 2012 until up to date.

Before it's too late, I already use my points for claiming items. I had incurred 2500 points,  redeeming the following: USB 4GB, USB 16GB and 4 SM Movie Tickets. Wherein,  I will be able to receive the items 20 days from the time I started to redeem the e-promos from Globe network. To sum it up, I will be receiving the items on the 13th of March 2012. I can't wait any no longer.

If you don't know the ITEMS you can redeem from Globe... CLICK HERE for more details.

Or you maybe visit the Official website of Globe as well.


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