November 21, 2012

Suddenly It's Magic (2012)

I am a late moviegoer so I might watched cut scene of the film already. But that's fine with me. As long as I can watch the movie to the best quality that they can offer and the best interest of the public. I watch recently “Suddenly It's Magic”, take note not once but thrice. ( hehehe).

I really like the movie and I am not tired of watching it all over again, even to watch on the fourth time. I already memorized some of their lines already.

Here's some lines quoted from the movie Suddenly It's Magic by Director Rory B. Quintos

Marcus Hanson: I love to get lost to your country

Waiter: Morning, Sir.
Marcus: You dont know my name?
Waiter: Sir, Sorry, Sir I don't.
Marcus: Im happy you dont know my name.

Joey: Do you know me? No, dapat ba?
Marcus: Can I have this cupcake? Thank you. (Eating the cupcake).
Marcus: ugggghhhh
Joey: Okay ka lang?
Marcus: This is the saddest tasting cupcake ever!

Marcus: Hi I'm Marcus!
Joey: (Walking away from Marcus)
Marcus: Can we be friends?
Joey: After you touched my boobs.( Ilocano words)
Marcus: That's was an accident. I was trying to saved you.
Joey: But not before you embarrassed me.
Marcus: You embarrassed your self.
Joey: I had to defend my cupcakes!
Marcus: Defend your cupcakes? Do you know how funny that sounds?
Joey: It's funny to you because it's not your name, your job, or your life long passion at stake.

Joey: You know even if my life is falling apart. At least I was one thing sure of. I can bake. Yun na nga lang alam ko na gawin samali maling kong buhay. Tapos sasabihin mo na malungkot cupcakes ko? Malungkot? Siguro nga nalalasahan niyo kong gaano kamiserable ang buhay ko. ( Joey's wiping tears ). Bakit ko ba sinsabi ito sayo lahat. You didn't understandthe word that I said.
Marcus: Yeah! but I can understand how you feel.

Marcus: I stopped liking fairytales and happy endings a long time a go. But you, you making me believe in them again.

Courtship Scene of Marcus to Joey
( Electronic Guitar sound done by Marcus)
Joey: What's this?
Marcus: My housekeeper say I have to make  you ligaw and harana.
Joey: Ligaw?! Harana?!
Marcus: That's how you do it here, right?
( Giggle in background )
Marcus: I like you.
Joey: Talaga?! You like me?!
Marcus: Yeah! And I want to fall inlove me too.

Rap Scene of Marcus
♫ I don't wanna have sad cupcake no more eh 
♫ I don't wanna have sad cupcake no more 
♪  I wanna be the man to put sugar on the cake, be inlove again, be your chocolate. 
♬ Please be my girl, my happy cupcake girl (4x) 
Marcus: Wassup cupcake?!

Joey: Magic? Love? Walang totoo jan. Tanga tanga ko. How could you allow yourself to believe in what you always do is just a beautiful lie.
Marcus: It's not a lie, they may have lie to us. But the love we felt for them, the love we gave that's was true. That's why it hurts. And that's why we learned to appreciate the next one that's comes along.

Marcus: Hi I'm Marcus. I wanna thank you.
Marvin: Thank me
Marcus: Thank you for breaking Joey's heart.
Marvin: Sino ka?
Marcus: Sino me? I'm a boyfriend. The pain you cause joy have made more beautiful in my eyes. That made me want to love you more. Love I know the way you never could. Love the way she should be loved.

Joey: Ikaw ba talaga yan?
Marcus: Oo naman.
Joey: Why are you here?
Marcus: I just finished shooting a movie in the US. I'm getting all of my dreams because you set me free. All my dreams would be more mean if you're with me. I'm still inlove...
Joey: Ako rin.. Mahala pa rin kita. But f we do this again, how will this time will different?
Marcus: I would like to think and believe that this time you're stronger, you're more grown up, you know better and because we know what's like to be apart from each other. And how may things get. And not get let go of each other again.
Marcus: Will you be with me?
Joey: ( Deep breathe ) Yes!

Note: I just wrote it down the way I understand and lines on the movie.


Mario Maurer:  No doubt that he is a good actor. And I had seen it in this movie. He really gave justice on his role as Marcus Hanson. I can really feel the pain through his words, eyes and lips when he uttered his lines. If he can only stays for 1 month in the Philippines and he is really good in speaking Tagalog language.

Erich Gonzales: I wasn't your fan at all since day one, when you were still starting as an actress. I don't know why just a feeling I guess, maybe because most of my family watched GMA 7. Moving forward, when I saw this movie  I must say I was really in shock that you can really portray effectively your role, in terms of the exact moment of pouring into tears, the way you deliver your lines. I was really moved and felt the intense emotions. Keep it up Erich!

For the Movie: Many people can relate to this movie. And I admit I am one of them. Handling Long Distance Relationship (LDR) is really hard to manage. But if the two people really care for each other, hindrances are just trails to toughen their love and longing to hold each other’s arms again.


I would like to have PART 2 for this movie. I want to see the finale of happy ending.


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