January 13, 2014

How to comment on my blog

There so many ways to comment in a blog. And I will teach you the ways you can comment to my blog or to their blogs:

Using your Gmail Account. Logged in to your Gmail Account. Then go back to my site then post comment.Automatically your comment have an ownership. Stating your Name and other info.

Using Open ID. Google is associated with Live Journal, Wordpress, Typepad & AIM. If you have account any of the stated sites just select then provide your username or handlename.

Using Name/URL. If you don't have account from #1 and #2. You can just state your name and the URL where the blogger can reached you.

Using Anonymous. If you  like to hide your identity this selection is suits for you. You can hide who you are. But provide your comment and opinion regarding the given topic of the blogger.

If you like my blog and it's content, please do share it with your friends. Thank you!

Official Online Signature of Kennstop

1 comment:

  1. Very nice gift and deed Ken. Best hopes for your entry.


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