October 11, 2014

Checking out my good old friends in Baguio

Joy, Jen and I decided to have a get together in Baguio. Since Joy is already working in Baguio. So i agree on their plan. But on this plan we include Desiree and Tine unfortunately they cannot come on the said date.

Desiree is living already in US and Tine was so hard to communicate. You send sms today tomorrow you'll receive a response worst if she wont reply. I don't know what's going on.

Here's the shot we took during my stay in baguio together with my friend Richard.

Since Joy is so busy like a bee. We wait until evening. So boring but we have to wait if we like to have a good time an reminisce the good old days.

 And we had our blast that night to wrap up the night. Here's our final shot before we go home.

See you soon! Jen and Joy.. I hope the next time we have a gathering we have Tine and Desiree with us.

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