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May 14, 2019

RDO 034 : Cancellation of Permit To Use CRM/POS

Revenue District Office No. 34: Paco - Pandacan - Sta. Ana - San Andres

Office Address: 
BIR Regional Office Building 2 Benlife Building
Solana cor Beaterio Street Intramuros, Manila

Cancellation of Permit To Use CRM/POS and other similar sales machines

1. BIR Form 1905 - Application Form
2. Letter Request - stating the purpose
3. Surrender Original Permit
4. Sticker or Decal
5. Accumulated Grand Total Sales - Tape
6. Last Official Receipt (OR) issued
7. Payment Form (0605 - Registration Fee) Photocopy
8. BIR Form 2303 or Certificate of Registration (COR) Photocopy
9. Cash Register Sales Book

NOTE: Accumulated Total Sales - Tape should be balance with the entry in your cash register sales book.

Once all the requirements are already been collected and verified by your local RDO. They will release a letter stating that your POS machines has already been cancelled on their system. Taxpayer can use the POS machine on their other branch.

Sample of the letter that I am talking about..

Updated as of May 14, 2019
Updated as of March 5, 2010

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May 10, 2019

TIN # is not yet available in EACCREG portal?

The common question we have in mind " TIN # not yet available in EACCREG portal ". right?

Below are possible question/scenario that we need to consider if we encounter such problem.

1. When was the COR released or check the registration date? Do you know if its AM or PM batch?

Example:  May 3, 2019 (Friday) released of COR.

2. BIR has a time line to follow ( working days )
3. BIR doesn't operate during weekend/holidays.
4. Maybe BIR encounter data failure. They do, EACCREG is down for almost two (2) somewhere in January 2019.
5. Does the BIR has internet connection problem

 I found this email response to one of our client just like to share and so you have an idea about EACCREG.

 We need to " Need to check if when was COR is released. However, we still have dependencies and this part we have no control even Head Office but a constant follow up from their RDO (client will follow it up. If today?

“It will take 3 days po for the store TIN/ data to be updated in the BIR central data base. Per telecon with BIR BID (Head Office), all TIN generated for the day will be uploaded per batch every night to the BIR Central Data File (CDF). All uploaded TIN information (company name, business name, address etc.) will then be processed in the CDF. At the end of the day, all processed TIN will be sent back to the BIR Regional District Office system for updating. Once updated, we can apply for the POS permit. The store TIN was just generated in the BIR system yesterday morning by BIR South Makati. “

NOTE: Please be guided that this was the process of eAccReg before they encountered the longest offline ( somewhere of Jan 2019) maybe they already have adjustment on their system.

EACCREG : Business Name is not registered with TIN-Branch Code

Things your should know if your POS provider encounter this kind of error:

" Business Name is not registered with TIN-Branch Code " 

1. Possible your COR was just recently uploaded in BIR Central Data (give at least a week
2. Possible the cycle of upload is not yet complete, you may try again later.

3. Possible POS provider encode it incorrectly. Double check their encode

4. Dot or Period or Comma are symbol almost invisible in COR so double check this portion

5. Possible the business name has been updated/modified/rectified.


If problem are still being encountered after 7 working days (assuming). Report to your respective RDO. Don't forget to take note the ticket number or trouble ticket or reference number or whatever they call it so you know for future references. Follow up RDO religiously and ask your POS provider to try it 2-3 times a day to check if the they can process and finish the POS application.

May 09, 2019

RDO 026 : Cancellation of Permit To Use CRM/POS

Revenue District Office No. 26 - Malabon City/Navotas City

Office Address: 
2nd and 3rd Flrs. Aglipay Building, Blk 9,
Lot 6. C-4 Road, Brgy. Longos, Malabon City

Cancellation of Permit To Use CRM/POS and other similar sales machines

1. Letter request for cancellation of "Permit to Use" CRM/POS/SPM and other sales machines within fifteen (15) days from the date the machine was last used/withdrawn from use stating the reasons for cancellation and other necessary information such as but not limited to the following based on RMC 19-2009

a. Permit Number
b. Machine Identification Number (MIN), if any;
c. Machine Accreditation Number, if any;
d. Type of Machine;
e. Machine brand and/or model
f. Software name/or version; and
g. Serial number

2. BIR Form 1905 - 2 copies
3. BIR Form 2303 - (Photocopy)
4. esales Report based on RMO 12-2012 *
5. BIR Form 0506 - latest registration fee

Updated as of March 16, 2018

What is an eSales?

What is eSales?

eSales system is an electronic process of enrolling and reporting the gross monthly sales of taxpayers engaged in business using the CRM, POS or any other similar device through SMS, email or web.

eSales is the process of reporting the gross monthly sales of taxpayers engaged in business using Cash Register Machine (CRM), Point of Sale (POS) System and Other Sales Machines (OSM) or any other similar devices through different channels.



What is an eAccReg?

What is eAccReg?

eAccReg system is a simplified process of accrediting / registration and issuance of permit for the use of of Sales Macihines and Sales Receipting system software.
eAccReg is an online accreditation, registration and use of CRM/POS machines and/or other business machines generating receipts/invoices.

What's the purpose of having eAccReg account?

1. It's mandatory to all local RDO to have such account
2. Able to access your account at your convenience anytime anywhere.
3. Able to print POS permit to use at home, at cafes or even at RDO lobby (the e-lounge).
4. No need to wait in line for queues.


Updated as of May 10, 2019
Updated as of March 5, 2020

RDO 54A : Requirements for Cancellation of CRM/POS

Revenue District Office No. 54A - Trece Martirez City, East Cavite

Office Address: 
BIR Building, National Road, Trece Martirez, Cavite City

Requirements for Cancellation of CRM/POS

1. BIR FORM 1905 - Application Form
2. Letter Request - Stating the Purpose
( PLS. indicate contact number and person )
3. Surrender Original Permit/Sticker
4. Accumulated Total Sale-Tape
5. Duly Notarized Sworn Statement stating therein the details/reading of machines due for cancellation;
6. Original Tape showing the Z-Reading ( End of Day/Accumulated Grand Total Sales);
7. Reprint Copy of Sales Invoice/Official Reciept issued on the last day of use
8. Original pemit issued;
9. Original deical
10. Print-out of Back-end Report

Updated as of May 10, 2019

EACCREG: Sample Reasons - Permit to Use Denied

Below are the collected sample of reasons why BIR RDO or LTAD rejected POS application filed by your POS or Software provider:

Updated as of May 10, 2019

Importance of BIR Form 2303 or Certificate Of Registration

Did you ever experienced that you cannot open a branch on your desired target opening due to POS permit delay? Even though you already provided the BIR Form 2303 or Certificate of Registration to your software provider.

The answer is that it will take three (3) days for the TIN/date to be updated in the BIR central data base and when was the COR released.  See computation below:

Day 1 - All TIN generated TIN for the day will be uploaded per batch  every night to the to the BIR Central Data File (CDF).

Day 2 - All uploaded TIN information (company name, business name, address etc) will be then process in the  CDF.

Day 3 - All processed TIN will be sent back to the BIR Regional District Office system for updating. 

Once updated, software provider can process or file POS application for their client/taxpayer. However, we still have dependencies and this part we have no control even head office if there will be any erroneous during the issuance of the COR. 

Therefore, be sure to double check the information filed under BIR Form 1903  (Application of Registration) so that we can avoid any possible delays once BIR Form 2303 process and release. 


Updated of March 21, 2018

How to apply for EACCREG/ESALES account?

All taxpayer(s) are required to have their own eaccreg/esales username account. In order to have your own account, you must fill up their registration form correctly and accordingly by using the BIR Form 2303 or known as Certificate of Registration (COR) as your reference.

Be sure that you take note of the following information especially your security question and answer because this is the only way you can retrieve your account just in case you forgot your password or else you account will be lock. If your username has been locked. The only way you can retrieve your account is by security question and answer. Failed to remember? You need to create new username and password.

One more thing, eaccreg/esales changes password every three (3) months. Better to take note all your passwords because eaccreg/esales "will not require you to repeat or used password". They must be unique every time they will ask you to change your password.

Shall we start? Below are the links for eaccreg and esales.

For EACCREG - Click Here

For ESALES - Click Here

Just in case you have problem accessing the eaccreg/esales portal at the moment. Below are the actual application for account enrollment so you have an idea what are the possible question that you need to accomplish.

I suggest you try to use Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. I prefer to use Mozilla Firefox if you will ask me.

User Name - Minimum of 6 character and Maximum is 15
Password - Should at least 8 characters long and maximum of 20 characters. Must include 1 UPPERCASE letter, 1 LOWER CASE letter and 1 special character (e.g %,&,*) and you are forced to change password every 3 months. Keep a record of you used password. No recycle of password.

Taxpayer must finish the registration until he/she was able to receive a notification via email used in during the EACCREG /ESALES registration. [ see picture below ]


1. Print out of your enrollment sent from your email. ( 2 copies or more)
2. Filled up the EACCREG/ESALES letter and have it notarize ( 2 copies or more)
3. Photocopy the COR used from POS application  (for reference maybe)
4. If there will by additional requirements (Send me a DM so I can update my post)

BIR Procedure - POS/ CRM / SPM Permit Cancellation

All POS cancellation documents will be coming from the store.
The Z-Reading is the last terminal report of the POS units for permit cancellation.

BIR Procedure - POS/ CRM / SPM Permit Cancellation Application 

STEP 1. Submit a letter to your local BIR RDO requesting for the cancellation of the permit of the POS units.

Please indicate the following in the letter:
1.1 Reason for cancellation;
1.2 POS Permit Number;
1.3 POS Machine Identification Number, if any;
1.4 Machine Accreditation Number, if any;
1.5 Type of Machine(s)
      a. (POS/ CRM (Cash Register Machine)
      b. SPM (Special Purpose Machine e.g PDA, Server Consolidator, Tablet, Order
           Taker(OTK, Workstation, Kitchen Display System (KDS), Station Order Display (SOD);
1.6 Machine Brand and/ or Model;
1.7 Software Name and/ or version - WINVQP version 8 or 9 ; and
1.8 POS/ CRM/ SPM Serial Number.

Note: You can get the above information from the store's POS permit.

STEP 2. Submit a letter to your local BIR RDO requesting for the cancellation of the permit of the POS units.HAND-CARRY the letter to your local BIR-RDO.

2.1 Get the name of the BIR representative receiving the letter.
Note: BIR assistant logs all requests received from the store. Get the name of the BIR personnel who will handle your request

2.2 Talk to the designated BIR personnel assigned to the store and request for a schedule for POS inspection
Note: Per BIR Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 19-2009, POS/ CRM/ SPM inspection will be within five (5) working days from the receipt of the letter/ written.

2.3 For POS cancellation: Once you have the schedule, call your POS provider to allot engineer for POS resetting at least 3 working days prior to the schedule of the BIR (if POS provider will be required by BIR RDO)
Note: Make sure to get the helpdesk reference number for this request and documents this via email addressed to the following recipients: POS Provider, Client/Taxpayer side, Project Manager if any or any recipients you wish to include for your personal documentation purposes.


STEP 3. Per BIR regulation No. 11-2004, the store needs to provide roundtrip transportation to the BIR personnel who will inspect the POS units.

The BIR personnel will inspect the POS unit(s) and get the following documents:
3.1 Last POS Terminal Reading/ Report;
3.2 Zero Reading- taken after resetting of the POS units by the Sweda/ ANSI engineer;
3.3 Photocopy of the first and last page of the BIR notebooks;
Note: Make sure all entries are complete. BIR penalty Php25,000.00 per POS
3.4 Copy of the POS BIR permit.
3.5 Decal stickers
3.6 Reprint copy of Last Official Receipt (OR) issued to the customer
4. The BIR personnel will then make a report regarding the inspection together with the Cancellation Approval letter and have it approved
by the BIR Chief.
5. Get the POS Permit Cancellation Certificate and FILE the document. You will need this during BIR Tax Mapping and Corporate Audit.

Updated as of May 2, 2019

EACCREG/ESALES : User account is locked

Did you ever encountered " user account is locked " says the EACCREG after you encode your username and password or after clicking login.

If your answer is YES. I also encountered this problem today just 15 minutes ago.

What do you need to do?

1. Remember my recent blog about " How to apply for EACCREG/ESALES account? "

" Be sure that you take note of the following information especially your security question and answer because this is the only way you can retrieve your account just in case you forgot your password or else you account will be lock. If your username has been locked. The only way you can retrieve your account is by your security question and answer. Failed to remember? You need to create new username and password.

One more thing, eaccreg/esales changes password every three (3) months. Better to take note all your passwords because eaccreg/esales "will not require you to repeat or used password". They must be unique every time they will ask you to change your password."

2. If you already know or remember your security question and answer. Go to EACCREG website and click Forgot Password.

3. EACCREG will ask for your username. Encode your username then click submit.

4. On this part, your selected security question will prompt, you need to supply the correct security answer. Keep in mind that almost everything in EACCREG is key sensitive very sensitive.

5. You will receive an email from EACCREG that your password has been reset. They will give you a temporary password that will be use to access your account partially. Once logged in, you will be re-encode your temporary password and your new password.

6. The End.Your account has been retrieved.

NOTE: That new password will be your new and present password. You need to wait another three (3) months before it will require you to change your password again.

How to keep track your created password for eaccreg and esales?

We all know that password are very important. Password are kept sensitive as in very sensitive so that only worthy person can able to access such information especially if the information are shared to a limited number of person. I've been using EACCREG for quite sometime now.

One thing I noticed from using EACCREG is that every three (3) months it forced me to change my password without any encountered malicious activity. I believe its for the safety purposes for every taxpayer.

Since I am not good remembering passwords especially that you cannot repeat passwords that you already been used. I created a hard-copy or a fill up form wherein I can use it as reference of all my created passwords. Its really draining to create password and keep them be remembered.

Just like to share it to you how did I do it just in case my memory failed me.