May 10, 2019

TIN # is not yet available in EACCREG portal?

The common question we have in mind " TIN # not yet available in EACCREG portal ". right?

Below are possible question/scenario that we need to consider if we encounter such problem.

1. When was the COR released or check the registration date? Do you know if its AM or PM batch?

Example:  May 3, 2019 (Friday) released of COR.

2. BIR has a time line to follow ( working days )
3. BIR doesn't operate during weekend/holidays.
4. Maybe BIR encounter data failure. They do, EACCREG is down for almost two (2) somewhere in January 2019.
5. Does the BIR has internet connection problem

 I found this email response to one of our client just like to share and so you have an idea about EACCREG.

 We need to " Need to check if when was COR is released. However, we still have dependencies and this part we have no control even Head Office but a constant follow up from their RDO (client will follow it up. If today?

“It will take 3 days po for the store TIN/ data to be updated in the BIR central data base. Per telecon with BIR BID (Head Office), all TIN generated for the day will be uploaded per batch every night to the BIR Central Data File (CDF). All uploaded TIN information (company name, business name, address etc.) will then be processed in the CDF. At the end of the day, all processed TIN will be sent back to the BIR Regional District Office system for updating. Once updated, we can apply for the POS permit. The store TIN was just generated in the BIR system yesterday morning by BIR South Makati. “

NOTE: Please be guided that this was the process of eAccReg before they encountered the longest offline ( somewhere of Jan 2019) maybe they already have adjustment on their system.


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