June 20, 2019

Adding Branches in eAccReg: A Step-by-Step Guide

Passwords are essential for accessing your Electronic Accreditation and Registration (eAccReg) account, which you need to print your Permit to Use (PTU) for your Point of Sale (POS) machines.  However, managing passwords can become incredibly complex, especially if your business has multiple branches.  Imagine having to create and remember individual EACCREG accounts for each branch, starting from branch code 000 up to 100, and potentially even more! That's a lot of accounts and an overwhelming number of passwords to keep track of.

Compounding this issue is the BIR's requirement to change your EACCREG password every three months. While this security measure is important, remembering a unique password for each branch, from 000 to 100 (or beyond), in addition to your personal passwords, can be incredibly stressful and tedious.  It's simply not practical or realistic to memorize so many different combinations

Fortunately, there's good news! eAccReg is designed to handle multiple branches under a single account.  You can add branch codes from 000 all the way up to 99999 using just one eAccReg account. This single account is tied to your 12-digit Tax Identification Number (TIN), formatted as 123-456-789-00000.  This significantly simplifies password management and reduces the administrative burden.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add a branch to your existing eAccReg account:

STEP 1: Start with Branch 000: You must already have an EACCREG account established for branch code 000. This serves as your primary account.

STEP 2: Access Account Settings: Log in to your EACCREG account for branch 000. Navigate to the account settings section.  You'll likely find the "Add Branch" option in the lower portion of this page. 

STEP 3: Select "Add Branch": Click on the "Add Branch" button to initiate the process of adding a new branch.

 STEP 4: Fill in Branch Information:  You'll be prompted to fill in the required information for the new branch. This information must match exactly what is on the branch's Certificate of Registration (COR/BIR Form 2303), including any spaces between letters or characters.  This step is case-sensitive, so pay close attention to detail.  If you encounter any errors during this step, consult your Revenue District Office (RDO) for assistance.  Double-check everything!

STEP 5: Submit the Information: Click the "Submit" button after carefully reviewing the entered information.

STEP 6: Confirm the Action: A confirmation prompt will appear. Click "YES" to proceed with adding the branch.

STEP 7: Note the Transaction Number: After submitting, take note of the transaction number. This will be useful for tracking the status of your branch addition request.

STEP 8: Click "Done": Click the "Done" button to complete the initial online portion of the process.

STEP 9: The End

CRUCIAL NEXT STEP RDO Coordination:  Adding a branch online is just the first step. You must coordinate with your RDO to complete the process.  They will inform you about the specific requirements and documents you need to submit for their approval.  Failure to submit these requirements within the specified timeframe may result in your application being forfeited.  

Contact your RDO as soon as possible after submitting the online request to ensure you have all the necessary information and can provide the required documents promptly. 

Selection of Branch Code
Outcome when you select Branch Code 112

LASTLY, you will receive an email once your enrollment for adding a branch has been approved.

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