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Showing posts with label eSales registration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eSales registration. Show all posts

November 12, 2021

ESALES : Cannot enroll in advance (Application could not be completed)

Have you tried to submit an enrollment for your ESALES in advance? If your answer is yes, you might have encountered an error message: "Application could not be completed. No registered machines and/or Machine Identification Number exists under TIN-Branch Code."  This...

May 09, 2019

How to apply for EACCREG/ESALES account?

All taxpayer(s) are required to have their own eaccreg/esales username account. In order to have your own account, you must fill up their registration form correctly and accordingly by using the BIR Form 2303 or known as Certificate of Registration (COR) as your reference. Be...
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