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March 05, 2020
Sample of Cancellation Letter Issued by BIR RDO
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February 01, 2020
Reference for List of requirements for cancellation of POS permit to use/CRM
In processing of POS cancellation or termination of POS machine, local RDO has a list of requirements that you needed to complete before they will process your request. Please prepare the following documents:
WARNING: This is just a reference but its really depends on the needed requirements of each local RDO. I recommend to visit them and inquire.
1. BIR Form 1905 ( 2PCS)
2. Duly Notarized Sworn Statement
3. Letter request for cancellation with specific date for ocular inspection of Revenue Officer.
4. Photocopy of BIR Form 2303/ COR
5. Cover letter
6. Z-Reading (last day of transaction of POS machine was used)
7. Reprint Copy of Last Official Receipt (last OR issued)
8. Zero reading of old POS permits
9. Original copy of Permit to Use Sales Machine (BIR POS permit)
10. Original Decal Sticker (blue BIR Ask for Receipt)
11. BIR Sales Report (last month of POS machine was used)
12. Last 3 years of the following: (saved to CD or Flash drive)
(A) Z-Reading (1st and last day of the month)
(B) BIR Sales Report (monthly)
13. Electronic Sales Journal ( saved to CD or Flash drive ) for POS user
13.1 Last Manual Sales Book for CRM user
14. Photocopy of ID with signature ( For #16)
15. Photocopy of Representative ( maybe 2 valid ID) with signature
16. For Taxpayer who will process the cancellation with representative
For Individual - Special Power of Attorney
For Non-Individual - Board Resolution/Secretary Certification
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May 14, 2019
RDO 034 : Cancellation of Permit To Use CRM/POS
Revenue District Office No. 34: Paco - Pandacan - Sta. Ana - San Andres
Office Address:
BIR Regional Office Building 2 Benlife Building
Solana cor Beaterio Street Intramuros, Manila
Cancellation of Permit To Use CRM/POS and other similar sales machines
1. BIR Form 1905 - Application Form
2. Letter Request - stating the purpose
3. Surrender Original Permit
4. Sticker or Decal
5. Accumulated Grand Total Sales - Tape
6. Last Official Receipt (OR) issued
7. Payment Form (0605 - Registration Fee) Photocopy
8. BIR Form 2303 or Certificate of Registration (COR) Photocopy
9. Cash Register Sales Book
NOTE: Accumulated Total Sales - Tape should be balance with the entry in your cash register sales book.
Once all the requirements are already been collected and verified by your local RDO. They will release a letter stating that your POS machines has already been cancelled on their system. Taxpayer can use the POS machine on their other branch.
Sample of the letter that I am talking about..
Updated as of March 5, 2010
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May 09, 2019
RDO 54A : Requirements for Cancellation of CRM/POS
Office Address:
BIR Building, National Road, Trece Martirez, Cavite City
Requirements for Cancellation of CRM/POS
1. BIR FORM 1905 - Application Form
2. Letter Request - Stating the Purpose
( PLS. indicate contact number and person )
3. Surrender Original Permit/Sticker
4. Accumulated Total Sale-Tape
5. Duly Notarized Sworn Statement stating therein the details/reading of machines due for cancellation;
6. Original Tape showing the Z-Reading ( End of Day/Accumulated Grand Total Sales);
7. Reprint Copy of Sales Invoice/Official Reciept issued on the last day of use
8. Original pemit issued;
9. Original deical
10. Print-out of Back-end Report
Updated as of May 10, 2019