May 09, 2019

RDO 54A : Requirements for Cancellation of CRM/POS

Revenue District Office No. 54A - Trece Martirez City, East Cavite

Office Address: 
BIR Building, National Road, Trece Martirez, Cavite City

Requirements for Cancellation of CRM/POS

1. BIR FORM 1905 - Application Form
2. Letter Request - Stating the Purpose
( PLS. indicate contact number and person )
3. Surrender Original Permit/Sticker
4. Accumulated Total Sale-Tape
5. Duly Notarized Sworn Statement stating therein the details/reading of machines due for cancellation;
6. Original Tape showing the Z-Reading ( End of Day/Accumulated Grand Total Sales);
7. Reprint Copy of Sales Invoice/Official Reciept issued on the last day of use
8. Original pemit issued;
9. Original deical
10. Print-out of Back-end Report

Updated as of May 10, 2019

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Anonymous said...

Do you have sample of Sworn statement for Pos cancellation? Thank you!

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