May 09, 2019

RDO 026 : Cancellation of Permit To Use CRM/POS

Revenue District Office No. 26 - Malabon City/Navotas City

Office Address: 
2nd and 3rd Flrs. Aglipay Building, Blk 9,
Lot 6. C-4 Road, Brgy. Longos, Malabon City

Cancellation of Permit To Use CRM/POS and other similar sales machines

1. Letter request for cancellation of "Permit to Use" CRM/POS/SPM and other sales machines within fifteen (15) days from the date the machine was last used/withdrawn from use stating the reasons for cancellation and other necessary information such as but not limited to the following based on RMC 19-2009

a. Permit Number
b. Machine Identification Number (MIN), if any;
c. Machine Accreditation Number, if any;
d. Type of Machine;
e. Machine brand and/or model
f. Software name/or version; and
g. Serial number

2. BIR Form 1905 - 2 copies
3. BIR Form 2303 - (Photocopy)
4. esales Report based on RMO 12-2012 *
5. BIR Form 0506 - latest registration fee

Updated as of March 16, 2018

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