August 31, 2013
Z. Tsunami by Mobigame

I love playing and using mobile applications and I am also giving reviews to them afterwards. I may not use all of the mobile applications out there to offer. Its because I'm only using my apple iphone 3gs only (Any sponsor?!)
Zombie Tsunami is recommended by one of...
August 26, 2013
Got to Believe ( TV Series 2013 )
Tonight is the pilot episode of the series " Got to Believe" starring the newest and popular love team: Daniel Padilla and Kathryn Bernardo.
The series is about romantic comedy and with a twist of drama with the direction of Cathy Molina - Garcia under the broadcasting of...
August 25, 2013
Battle Camp of PennyPop

IBattle Camp or more known as Camp base from the viewed name once downloaded. This application is like a combination of Pokemon and a RPG ( Role Playing Game ).
Here's some features of Battle Camp:
• Monster battling
• Explore a LIVE Virtual World.
• Form...
Zest Air is in hot seat

I heard that many passengers of Zest Air are not satisfied with the service they are rendering.
According to the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP), many of the standard rules were violated by Zest Air such as:
- cancelled flight due to mechanical...
August 24, 2013
Mothers love over Maring

I really had fun for the past few days visit of Maring ( thyphoon name) not because I don't like to work but I'm stranded because the flood is above the knee.
We spent 4 days in just one room watching news, sleeping and all. Cuddle and have a good laugh despite maring done...
Prayer for Favor of Servant of God with Fr. Patrick Peyton

I would like to share to everybody what I received today. After the mass, a church ministry gave us all a piece of paper containing a prayer from Fr. Patrick Peyton and I like to post it on my blog:
" God, our Father the greatness or Your power is made visible in...
August 23, 2013
Trash today, wasteland tomorrow
Do you dispose your trash properly? Shame on you if you say yes! Just to hide the truth. Deep inside you did not throw your trash properly. Lying will not help you at all or even in cleaning your surroundings. That's the truth and nothing but the truth so help us all.
August 21, 2013
Your service is not reliable anymore!

Many of the companies who are rendering services to consumers committing Substandard Procedures or Failure to comply in safety measurements who are in field of Transporation whether via Air, Sea or in the land.
Question 1: Would you still use the services of the company...
August 20, 2013
Force Evacuation: No argue!

Are you one of the residences affected by Flood? I agree with the rules implemented in Marikina City, once the given marks is said Forced Evacuation. Leave your house, leave everything behind. Carry only the things needed the most.
Which do you prefer save your appliances...
Happy Birthday Noynoy especially to Mako!

Today is Mako's birthday! At the same time death anniversary of late Benigno Aquino. Typhoon is still pouring rain outside good thing I'm on holiday.
As I woke up today I send SMS to my Mako also at midnight before the day start
Then I turn on the television to watch...
August 17, 2013
A good drop by at Larcy's Cupcakery Cafe

UMako and I attend anticipated mass in Saint Joseph, the worker parish here in BF Mariposa. We were invited by Tita Bing and Kat to have a dinner in Iago's -- Mako, Me and Angeline. I really had a blast dinning with them. Thank you Tita Bing and Kat for the dinner! As we...
Taylor Lautner in the Philippines

My alarm clock is set to 4am for work monday to friday. I'm waiting for the public bus to arrive. Finally after 10 minutes the bus arrived. Sad to say, I wasn't given a chance to seat down on my way to the office.
But in the good side, I have all the...
Happy Birthday to me!

I just finished celebrating my birthday and spend it with my love ones and a very special someone (Mako). Mako is our endearing name.Mako gave me a cake from Red Ribbon - Mocha Dedication Cake. And mako left a message on it too, Happy Birthday Mako I Love You!http://youtu.be/Sg5Dy9Gqz-gThank...
August 11, 2013
Gandang Gabi Vice with Mayor Herbert Bautista

Mayor Herbert " Bistek " Bautista is the last guest of Gandang Gabi Vice, August 11, 2013. I really had a good time watching this episode. I really enjoyed the part when Vice Ganda stated that Mayor Herbert has many gay roles but never been accused of being a gay. While Vice...