August 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Noynoy especially to Mako!

Today is Mako's birthday! At the same time death anniversary of late Benigno Aquino. Typhoon is still pouring rain outside good thing I'm on holiday.

As I woke up today I send SMS to my Mako also at midnight before the day start

Then I turn on the television to watch my KrisTv. Kris Aquino is in Indang Cavite together with his elder sister Pinky to open the Pre-school together with the love of AGAP.

Many people dislikes Kris Aquino maybe because she's so sophiscticated and all. But today on her Kristv Episode (August 21) I was move on the act she's doing to everybody as her elder sister gave a simple info about their baby sister, Kris Aquino.

Many part of the Philippines already has a touch of Kris Aquino not because of television but due to education. She's donating 2 rooms to every selected school. I can really feel the spirit and vision of their parents through their siblings.

Official Online Signature of Kennstop

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