February 01, 2020
Reference for List of requirements for cancellation of POS permit to use/CRM
In processing of POS cancellation or termination of POS machine, local RDO has a list of requirements that you needed to complete before they will process your request. Please prepare the following documents:WARNING: This is just a reference but its really depends...
July 08, 2019
Inside the EACCREG Portal ( POS Provider )

Let's all explore the portal of BIR EACCREG under the POS provider account. Yes! You read it correct under POS provider. We have 2 kinds: POS Provider and Taxpayer.
For the mean time, I will let you see the content of BIR EACCREG portal under POS provider so you can...
July 02, 2019
How important is a change address in BIR?
We all know that when you moved to a new location their are many things that we need to consider especially if you are in the business area. Take note that BIR is involve in every action we do.Here are some pointers you may take a look at:1. You need to advise BIR ahead of...
June 20, 2019
May 14, 2019
RDO 034 : Cancellation of Permit To Use CRM/POS
Tuesday, May 14, 2019Cancellation, Cancellation Letter, eAccReg, POS cancellation, RDO POS Cancellation5 comments

Revenue District Office No. 34: Paco - Pandacan - Sta. Ana - San Andres
Office Address:
BIR Regional Office Building 2 Benlife Building
Solana cor Beaterio Street Intramuros, Manila
Cancellation of Permit To Use CRM/POS and other similar sales machines
1. BIR Form...
May 10, 2019
TIN # is not yet available in EACCREG portal?
One of the most common frustrations encountered when dealing with the Bureau of Internal Revenue's (BIR) Electronic Accreditation and Registration (EACCREG) portal is the message: "TIN # not yet available." This can halt your progress in securing your Permit to Use (PTU) for...
EACCREG : Business Name is not registered with TIN-Branch Code

Things your should know if your POS provider encounter this kind of error:
" Business Name is not registered with TIN-Branch Code "
1. Possible your COR was just recently uploaded in BIR Central Data (give at least a week
2. Possible the cycle of...
May 09, 2019
RDO 026 : Cancellation of Permit To Use CRM/POS
Revenue District Office No. 26 - Malabon City/Navotas City
Office Address:
2nd and 3rd Flrs. Aglipay Building, Blk 9,
Lot 6. C-4 Road, Brgy. Longos, Malabon City
Cancellation of Permit To Use CRM/POS and other similar sales machines
1. Letter request for cancellation of "Permit to Use" CRM/POS/SPM and other sales machines within fifteen...